Thursday, October 21, 2010

IPTV fluctuated between hot and cold

June 1, 2006, U.S. high-tech market research firm infonetics has issued a report on the development of global IPTV market forecast report, which states that by 2009, global IPTV equipment and service market capacity will reach 44 billion U.S. dollars. By 2009, worldwide IPTV subscribers will grow to 53 million. In order to meet the needs of users of this magnitude, IPTV service providers are currently investing heavily in IPTV infrastructure, transport network and content industry. By 2009, the report is expected to IPTV equipment market capacity will be 60 million, service revenue will exceed 38 billion U.S. dollars. In 2005, the global IPTV equipment sales revenue exceeded 400 million U.S. dollars.

Obviously, like to applaud for the IPTV industry investigation agency not unusual, IDC recently released "China IPTV Market 2006-2010 Forecast and Analysis" report also says that China is the IPTV industry's largest market potential, especially in 2008 Olympics, the promotion of IPTV will play the role of boosters. According to the forecast, by 2010 China IPTV is expected to have more than 20 million users. However, the optimism of the report can not cover up China's IPTV industry's dilemma, it is understood that about 40 million users in China to install the IPTV, including Shanghai, Qingdao, Hangzhou and other regions, but the official license holders operate only in Shanghai and Harbin, other places are still in experimental stage network.

Between the hot and cold, China's IPTV industry is in the contradiction between the cold and heat, but the future potential development of a lot of difficulties.

Concept update

Entered in 2006, IPTV industry as a whole into the actual combat phase, which could be from China Telecom, China Netcom equipment purchases are frequently released a single enclosure movement discerned. Firmly fixed on IPTV equipment before the arrival of 3G companies view them as an opportunity to quench their thirst. Appliance manufacturers, whether or telecommunications equipment manufacturers, without exception, increased the IPTV industry's attention and investment.

May 23 -26, China International Exhibition on ZTE 3G launch at the show and series of devices and IPTV, and IPTV solutions are listed as main event on display. ZTE IPTV & Yu Yifang, general manager of multimedia products, told reporters that, as the domestic IPTV commercial projects stage for the understanding of operators IPTV has not only stay in business through the display terminal to demonstrate the prototype level, but to take drastic measures to capture changes market. Currently, IPTV services can be achieved has been extended, in addition to online games, information services, business television, distance education, Kara OK and other audio and video business outside, but also to provide visual communication.

Many firms that had to IPTV as "the application of Internet to television sets," is to a large industry to the "narrow" of the.搴蜂匠鏁板瓧缃戠粶浜嬩笟閮ㄦ?缁忕悊椹槑涔熷憡璇夎鑰咃紝锛掞紣锛愶紪骞达缉锛帮即锛朵骇涓氱殑浜曞柗闃舵鍗冲皢鍒版潵锛岃繎鏃ワ紝搴蜂匠涓庢暟瀛楃粓绔拰淇″彿澶勭悊鑺墖鐨勫法鎿橈即锛╋紙寰峰窞浠櫒锛夊叕鍙哥粨鎴愭垬鐣ヨ仈鐩燂紝灏嗚仈鍚堝紑鍙戯缉锛帮即锛剁綉缁滅粓绔紝姝ゆ鍚堜綔鐨勪富瑙掓槸锛达缉鐨勶激锝侊级锝夛綆锝冿綁锛堜腑鏂囧悕涓鸿揪鑺锛夋妧鏈?鎹鑰呬簡瑙o紝璇ユ妧鏈槸锛达缉閽堝锛╋及锛达级缁堢寮?彂鍟嗘帹鍑虹殑涓?釜鏂板钩鍙帮紝鍖呭惈鏈夌鍚堟秷璐圭被濞变箰璁惧瑙勮寖鐨勭‖浠舵?鑳藉姞閫熷櫒浠ュ強闊炽?瑙嗛澶栬锛岃?鍏锋潃鎵嬮攺绾у埆鐨勫姛鑳芥槸鍏惰棰戞祦銆佸奖鍍忎互鍙婇煶棰戞?鑳姐?







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Tuesday, October 19, 2010

New Class is the Blue Ocean

Blue Ocean, is hard to find all operators dream. Create a new class of it, is the new class of blue ocean!

Now people know that the Earth's Wong Lo Kat in the four years 2003 to 2006, invested five million, total sales of 8 billion, output ratio of up to 16 times, the brand value jumped to 2.244 billion yuan.

Why drink almost completely annihilated in the domestic situation, Wong Lo Kat was able to have sprung up everywhere, all the way singing? Because it is the first in the minds of consumers to build a new class of anti-lit drinks. If you spend money to do the same pure water or juice, but even the survival of the problem. Similarly, Coca-Cola then renamed the treatment of common cold medicine called Coke, for daily refreshing, so a new drink was born. It is no longer the number of features not safe drug, it becomes a unique Coca-Cola has now become the king of the brand.

Many people believe that the fundamental task of market competition is to make potential customers believe that you can provide better products or services. This is not true, if you only have a small market share, and had to compete with larger, more powerful competitors, then your marketing strategy may be at the beginning is wrong. It is so many companies work hard, put all the hope and effort spent on how to better than the competitors above, the result is ultimately difficult to surpass rivals, fought fight in the "Red Sea" in.

In the real market, in each category are full of existing competitors, the market is trying to carve a piece of cake from the things around, or use the new class appears to create an uncertain new world of opportunity where are side?

The facts tell us: "First," better than "better." Create a new class, preconceptions in the minds of consumers than to make people believe you can provide better than the product's first product to be much easier.

Well-known competitive strategy expert Michael? Porter summed up from a lot of practice, three kinds of competitive strategy to win: "overall cost leadership," "differentiation strategy" and "specific strategy," "Blue Ocean Strategy" is no turning back said: want to win in the competition, the only way is not only a defeat opponents. To win in the future, companies must stop competing, open blue sea, into the field without competition!

Create a new class is to achieve "differentiation strategy", "specific strategy" and achieve "no competition" strategy, specific and effective shortcut! Is a shortcut to gain a competitive advantage! Is beyond the competition's way out!

Hukouduoshi dangerous, then they have created a new product category, open blue ocean market, its first exclusive exclusive!

In 2000, many for whom the fruit juice business is also thicker and purer loves the exhilaration too, the unity of orange and more silence PET bottles to create a new class of non-pure fruit juice, the result, the product has just one side City, immediately popular anomaly, so that the mouth of the thick paste of pure fruit juice companies were stunned; in 2003, Hualong Group ranks in the food giant's instant noodles market "out of thin air" to open up a "play side" of the market, with annual sales of 6.0 billion package of record instantaneously from rural to urban brand promotion and strategic transformation, the unified crowd behind and become instant noodles of her second child; Red Bull first came to China occupies the functional beverage category and become the first brand, then the functional beverage eventually disappeared; big thanks to the original production of plug is walnut, almond, if engaged in dew, even primitive Hutoushan produced does not work, because this category has long been firmly occupied Chengde Lolo, enjoys popular support.

Some people worry, and create new categories will be paving stone, made martyrs. In fact, can avoid this risk, one should not venture into the market requires a lot of market education and supporting the market, such as the year's 10 000 Yan VCD machine, the second largest market is to be as fast as possible, and also the crucial point To quickly spread, first to enter the hearts of consumers, it is often more important than the occupation of the market. Otherwise, when the market followers and even those who disrupt the counterfeit audio-visual, mixed project consumers can not identify the fish category, the only cast aside the entire category.

Innovation category, enter the blue ocean, in fact, face to avoid excessive competition. If your brand is the pioneer category, your brand is doomed to be the leading brand. When competitors to join, it will also reinforce your first awareness.

The product itself, Coca-Cola is just an easy imitation of sugar, but cola in the public mind to occupy the first step and therefore the value of the U.S., this is your bottle of brown matter to the water do have instead of how realistic can not. Cola in the city are also dry, but the total Coca-Cola, the reason here.

When your brand is the first brand new class, it is widely considered the originators, authentic and Pioneer, and is the best. When violation of your areas of other brands, they are granted that is an imitation product. White with black to create a sub-service day and night cold medicine pills new different, now, can you be a kind of white with black cold movie? Even if the state allows some people to believe? Chengde Lolo has long been almost a product support the world, not the other marketing Tips, is a powerful force because category. Master Kong is the mainland in the first category to establish the first brand of instant noodles in Taiwan, much larger than its original unity, can not surpass the Master Kang has been in the mainland, is this law at work.

Innovation is the marketing category in the fundamental innovation. If you are the first type of product, it should strive to create a class can make you a market "first" product category.鏃犳暟鐨勮惀閿?簨瀹炶瘉鏄庯紝浣犺姳鍐嶅ぇ鐨勫姏姘旈兘涓嶅浣犲彂鐜颁竴涓搧绫诲競鍦烘潵寰楀揩锛屼竴涓柊鍝佺被甯傚満寮?嫇涔嬮檯锛屾剰鍛崇潃涓?釜棰嗚鍝佺墝璇炵敓涔嬫椂銆傝豹涓嶅じ寮犲湴璇达紝鍙戠幇鍜屽垱閫犱竴涓柊鍝佺被锛屼环鍊艰儨杩囨墦5000涓囧箍鍛婅垂!

銆??涓浗甯傚満瀛樺湪澶ч噺鐨勫搧绫绘満浼?璋佽兘鐜囧厛鐢ㄥ搧鐗屽崰鎹搧绫伙紝璋佸氨鑳借幏寰楁渶澶х殑鍚嶅埄锛岃皝灏辫兘鍚庢潵灞呬笂銆?br />


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Sunday, October 10, 2010

Domestic long road CAXA CAD lead the way down to earth

If economic globalization, China's manufacturing industry wide open space for development, manufacturing information leading to the door of this room, then the CAD / CAM software is the key to that door is open. Our CAD / CAM technology research started in the 80's, but it was only a few large enterprises, research institutes and some universities to participate, progress is slow, CAD software piracy abroad quickly occupied the domestic market. Into the nineties, made CAD launched its own brand, such as CAXA electronic board CAD software, Chinese Academy of Sciences Keith PICAD so completely self-developed software gradually emerges, the introduction of domestic self-CAD brand to contain the foreign CAD software in the Chinese market monopoly, to domestic development of CAD software, has laid a solid foundation. However, a long time, China's CAD software industry software piracy in the foreign environment of dumping to survive.

Since 2002, foreign software companies Autodesk began to crack down on "piracy," the name of some companies delivered quickly by, "I promise" to use non-genuine AutoCAD software enterprises to use legitimate software. October 2002, the Supreme Court case on the trial of civil disputes of copyright law applicable to the interpretation of a number of issues, provide for the use of pirated software companies will be subject to civil penalties. Many provinces and municipalities have issued the relevant documents to AutoCAD piracy issues on special law enforcement inspection, found the facts to give legitimate software piracy market price of 2-5 times the fine. States gradually increased piracy enforcement and inspection efforts and enterprises have increased the purchase of genuine two-dimensional CAD software investment. In particular, some foreign-funded enterprises in China. As the high price of AutoCAD software, the operating costs for these companies poses challenges. Therefore, more and more enterprises turning to a relatively well-made cost-effective two-dimensional CAD software. Therefore, the domestic two-dimensional CAD software in recent years a new turn for the better. Domestic manufacturers have introduced a new two-dimensional CAD new, addition, foreign firms UGS, Think3, SolidWorks launched a free two-dimensional such as CAD. China ushered in the so-called two-dimensional CAD market, "the third wave."

Two-dimensional CAD software technology have been very mature, and its application is extremely popular, has become an indispensable tool for today's product development. Together since 2006 to actively promote corporate genuine state of the work of the international environment is also very concerned about this progress, so the use of legitimate businesses CAD software has become the trend, genuine CAD market environment continued to improve. However, in recent years, new-made two-dimensional CAD software, IntelliCAD most to the development platform. According to incomplete statistics, since 2000 developed two-dimensional CAD vendors such as Hao Chen, Wei-Heng, Jie Hui, Chinese way, in the hope so, basically are based on the IntelliCAD platform, the second development, the formation of two-dimensional CAD products ; Even with independent knowledge of the early products of two-dimensional CAD vendors (such as open orders, Exeter, etc.) also turned to the platform software vendors have to give up its own characteristics and by category AutoCAD platform IntelliCAD, would have been understandable, after all, a number of AutoCAD The emergence of substitute products enables businesses to do this little pocket, but we uniform are built on the IntelliCAD platform, made the total people on the development of CAD software, there are some hidden feelings.

It is true that technically made compatible with AutoCAD two-dimensional CAD data and use habits are very important, but if only in the form of to blindly imitate AutoCAD, and can not really meet the needs of users, from two-dimensional CAD technology trends , two-dimensional CAD applications will no longer just an isolated stand-alone tool. Two-dimensional and three-dimensional CAD CAD bound to have more integration with PLM, ERP and other integrated systems have more integration with a variety of professional applications with more integration. Users will be because the design of the development of a higher efficiency, easier integration and management system. Therefore, only really two-dimensional CAD before these points in the market lived. Completely self-developed CAD software CAXA electronic board in the manufacturing sector has a very broad user base, but also for many years on the CAD market, evergreen, and the last two years the product has maintained growth of more than 50%, which fully confirms user needs a product of the market situation.

CAD and PLM software as a domestic leader, CAXA seize this opportunity or advantage of the strategy:

In the user application level, CAXA electronic board CAD software development today, has more than 100,000 licensed software users, and are mainly concentrated in manufacturing. Over the years a large number of user applications has proven CAXA electronic board CAD software usability, practicality and reliability.

R & D level, CAXA electronic board CAD software is completely independent development of independent innovation products (not rely on any class of third-party open source code for AutoCAD). CAXA not only have full intellectual property rights, and to grasp all the core technologies and market demand, strong sustained development and innovation.

In the functional level, in addition to the usual two-dimensional graphics capabilities and operational practices compatible with AutoCAD data and the characteristics of outside, CAXA electronic board CAD software still works marked by continuous innovation, the latest professional gallery, gallery custom extension, the manufacturing sector habits and standards, list serial numbers associated with the size-driven, three-dimensional model interfaces, BOM summary, puzzle printing and support of the PLM integration of specific functions have a distinct competitive advantage.

In support level, CAXA has been focusing on training and service, with hundreds of professional and technical engineers, can provide effective and timely services and support. CAXA wish to provide to users of alternative products is not only AutoCAD, more through technical and professional services to clients with Wen Ti, Chuangzao values and help customers better to build on his Shuzi design manufacturing R & D platform products to enhance Zhizao Ye Qi Ye innovative and collaborative management.

CAXA is currently developing a new generation of two-dimensional CAD, and plans to 2008. The product, which inherited the existing CAXA electronic board CAD software, advantages and features, and advantages of the latest R & D, it also supported, in particular the integration of CAD and 3D ---- The product can be used as two independent dimensional CAD, 3D CAD can be used as a module to achieve the integration of two-dimensional three-dimensional CAD, 3D CAD users that can use two-dimensional CAD data, two-dimensional CAD can directly use the 3D CAD data. Of course, the product will also provide more integration of the PLM system, such as application development and professional support.

Copyrighted software in the CAD made today, CAXA always uphold the concept of software services to manufacturing. One reason is that the manufacturing market is huge, much larger than the engineering design industry, but also because the manufacturing industry is the pillar industry of our nation, the demand for two-dimensional CAD is also very strong. CAXA electronic board CAD software view of the increasing popularity of history in a sense be said to be made popular CAD application process, its popularity does not depend on a vigorous market rally, but the application is successful the user through the user's reputation and accurate positioning. CAD in helping businesses easily, while licensed software, CAXA as a leading PLM solutions and services provider, has a series of CAD, CAPP, CAM, DNC, PDM, MPM and other PLM software products and solutions, covering industry information design, engineering, production and management of four major areas. As of 2007, has sold more than 250,000 sets of legitimate software. This is also the rapid development of many domestic and foreign manufacturing companies have chosen to CAXA as a strategic partner of important reasons. CAXA has been working through professional services, and enterprises to establish long-term partnership for users to obtain effective basis and form their own core competence, in this sense, the user's success is the supplier of success, but user-made software key to establishing confidence.

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